Friday 29 November 2013

1st topic

                                      Information Literacy Process

       In my first class I have learnt the basic knowledge about the information literacy. our lecturer asked us to give our existing knowledge about the information literacy. Most of the students say their opinion about what they actually know about the information literacy. After hearing all the feedback our lecturer showed us the correct definition of the information literacy. From my point of view, information literacy is a skill to find out the more information. From this topic we also came to know about the information of literacy in our modern technological world. In this session our miss also taught us about the information literacy process which is totally different from the information literacy. Beside that she also gave us some hints about the information literacy process which is "Big 6" process.

       During this session we have learnt clearly about Big 6 process. our lecturer elaborate the every single point of this process. At first I was unknown about this process but after the clear definition of the point from our lecturer I got proper knowledge about this topic. From my point of view Big 6 is process which is continue in six steps in purpose of helping anyone to solve problems or make decision by using information. During the class our respectable miss asked us several question to make sure that we understand this lesson. 

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